I struggle for the words to wish you well without the words to tell you that you have everything you need to give it to yourself.
I’d like to cheer for you, but I see you clearly on the field, ready and in uniform, pleated skirt, jumping in time for your team.
I dream of wishes and wisdom and well, but I’d rather tell you how soft and powerful and whole you already are.
Tall and pink and on fire.
And how much I hope that you feel it all,
Use it all,
Give it all to those around you
Like Oprah with cars.
And that I see you,
Your light and your black.
I need that.
But for this New Year, I still send you my prayer, all of my thoughts and wishes and cheer.
Because just like you,
I’m full and ready and aching to be new.
And together we can burn it all down and guide the river to run through.
Lap our tongues, drench our thirst
And sit on the banks to wait for spring and her foliage to bloom.
Until then, I send you all I can.
Trust and patience,
Peace and pleasure,
However it finds you.
Because whatever you desire for 2019 is already true.